
The location of examination is Grant Thornton, 13, rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg.

There are 3 levels of certification:

  1. Foundation level
  2. Advanced level
  3. Expert level

The Foundation level offers the following exams:

  1. Foundation level core
  2. Foundation level specialist for Agile Tester
  3. Foundation level specialist for Model-Based Tester

Each of them has a duration of 60 minutes and comprises 40 multiple-choice questions. The Advanced Level examination consists of three core exams: Test Manager (180 minutes), Test Analyst (180 minutes) and Technical Test Analyst (120 minutes) with a different amount of multiple-choice questions. Furthermore there will be offered in future additional Specialist exams on the advanced level. More information about all examination please see  ISTQB – examination.


After marking, the result of your examination is sent to you by e-mail.

Failing and repeating an exam

It is possible to fail the examination. If you fail it is possible to repeat the examination.


If you want to be registered for an exam please contact us at info@ltb-test.org.